Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Reg. US Pat. Off.

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Apparently, this is an old joke from the 1960s:

'A Russian scientist came to the United States to attend an astronomical conference, a relatively rare type of visit in those days.

'He met an American astronomer, who started bragging about how far American technology had advanced, and he mentioned several inventions. However, the Russian claimed that all the items named had been invented previously by the Russians. He also cited the transistor radio, the color television, the punch-button telephone, the radial tire, the stereophonic record, the tubeless tire, the submersible pump, the fuel injector, and on and on. He said that the most famous Russian inventor had more inventions than Edison.

'The American took exception to the Russian’s claim and asked for proof. The Russian replied that the name of this Russian inventor was stamped on many American products. The American asked what his name was. The Russian wrote down his name:

'РЭГЮСПАТОФ, or as known in America: REGUSPATOFF.'


Comrade Reg. US Pat. Off. has had his hand on every patent that was ever granted!

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Authors: ag