Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

A Naive Benchmark of GnuPG 2.1 Symmetric Algorithms

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Some symmetric algo benchmarks already exist, but still don't answer a typical question for a typical setup:

I do a regular backup of N (or even K) gigabytes. I don't want the backup to be readable by a random Russian hacker (if he breaks into my server). What algo should I use to encrypt the backup as fast as possible?

This rules out many existing benchmarks.

The typical setup also includes gpg2. I don't care about synthetic algo tests (like 'I read once that Rijndael is fast & 3DES is slow'), I'm interested in a particular implementation that runs on my machines.

(Note that benchmarks below are not 'scientific' in any way; they are meant to be useful for 1 specific operation only: encrypting binary blobs through ruby-gpeme.)

gpg2 cli program

The first thing I did was to run

$ gpg2 --batch --passphrase 12345 -o out --compress-algo none \
    --cipher-algo '<ALGO>' -c < file.tar.gz

But was quickly saddened because the results weren't consistent: the deviation between runs was too big.

What we needed here was to dissociate the crypto from the IO.


'Modern' versions of GnuPG have detached a big chunk of the crypto magic into a separate low-level library libgcrypt. If we want to test symmetric ciphers w/o any additional overhead, we can write a nano version of gpg2.

It'll read some bytes from /dev/urandom, pad them (if a block cipher mode requires it), generate an IV, encrypt, prepend the IV to an encrypted text, append a MAC, run that for all libgcrypt supported ciphers. Then we can draw a pretty graph & brag about it to coworkers.

The problem is that there is no any docs (at least I haven't found them) about a general format that gpg2 uses for block ciphers. And you need it because a decipher must be able to know what algo was used, its cipher mode, where to search for a stored IV, etc.

There is OpenPGP RFC 4880 of course:

"The data is encrypted in CFB mode, with a CFB shift size equal to the cipher's block size. The Initial Vector (IV) is specified as all zeros. Instead of using an IV, OpenPGP prefixes a string of length equal to the block size of the cipher plus two to the data before it is encrypted."

That's better than nothing, but still leaves us w/ n hours of struggling to write & test code that will produce an encrypted stream suitable for gpg2.


GnuPG has an official library that even has bindings for such languages as Ruby. It's an opposite of libgcrypt: it does all the work for you, where libgcrypt doesn't even provide auto padding.

The trouble w/ gpgme is that it was unusable for automated testing purposes until GnuPG hit version 2.1 this fall.

For instance,

  • Versions 2.0.x cannot read passwords w/o pinentry.
  • At the time of writing, 2.1 isn't available on any major Linux distribution (except Arch, but I'm not using it anywhere (maybe I should)).

Writing a Benchmark

ruby-gpgme has a nifty example for symmetric ciphers:

crypto = password: '12345'
r = crypto.encrypt "Hello world!\n", symmetric: true

where will return an encrypted string.

We have 2 problems here:

  1. There is absolutely no way to change through the API the symmetric cipher. (The default one is CAST5.) This isn't a fault of ruby-gpgme, but the very same gpgme library under it.

    GnuPG has a concept of a 'home' directory (it has nothing to do w/ user's home directory, it just uses it as a default). Each 'home' can have its number of configuration files. We need gpg.conf file there w/ a line:

     personal-cipher-preferences <algo>
  2. A modest password: '12345' option does nothing unless archaic gpg1 is used. W/ gnupg 2.0.x an annoying pinentry window will pop-up.

    E.g. installing 2.1 is the only option. Instead overwriting the existing 2.0.x installation (and possibly breaking your system), install 2.1 under a separate prefix (for example, to ~/tmp/gnupg).

    Next, for each gpg 'home' directory we need to add to gpg.conf another line:

     pinentry-mode loopback

    & create a gpg-agent.conf file w/ a line:


The benchmark works like this:

  1. Before running any crypto operations, for each cipher we create a 'home' directory & fill it w/ custom gpg.conf & gpg-agent.conf files.
  2. Start a bunch of copies of gpg-agent, each for a different 'home' dir.
  3. Add a bin directory of our fresh gnupg 2.1 installation to the PATH, for example ~/tmp/gnupg/bin.
  4. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ~/tmp/gnupg/lib.
  5. Generate 'plaint text' as n bytes from /dev/urandom.
  6. Encode 'plain text' w/ a list of all supported symmetric ciphers.
  7. Print the results.

Ruby script that does this can be cloned form You'll need gpgme & benchmark-ips gems. Run the file benchmark from the cloned dir.


AMD Sempron 145, Linux 3.11.7-200.fc19.x86_64

$ ./benchmark /opt/tmp/gnupg $((256*1024*1024))
Plain text size: 268,435,456B
Calculating -------------------------------------
                idea     1.000  i/100ms
                3des     1.000  i/100ms
               cast5     1.000  i/100ms
            blowfish     1.000  i/100ms
                 aes     1.000  i/100ms
              aes192     1.000  i/100ms
              aes256     1.000  i/100ms
             twofish     1.000  i/100ms
         camellia128     1.000  i/100ms
         camellia192     1.000  i/100ms
         camellia256     1.000  i/100ms
                idea      0.051  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  19.443114s
                3des      0.037  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  27.137538s
               cast5      0.059  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  16.850647s
            blowfish      0.058  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  17.183059s
                 aes      0.059  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  17.080337s
              aes192      0.057  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  17.516253s
              aes256      0.057  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  17.673528s
             twofish      0.057  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  17.533964s
         camellia128      0.054  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  18.359755s
         camellia192      0.053  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  18.712756s
         camellia256      0.054  (± 0.0%) i/s -      1.000  in  18.684303s

               cast5:        0.1 i/s
                 aes:        0.1 i/s - 1.01x slower
            blowfish:        0.1 i/s - 1.02x slower
              aes192:        0.1 i/s - 1.04x slower
             twofish:        0.1 i/s - 1.04x slower
              aes256:        0.1 i/s - 1.05x slower
         camellia128:        0.1 i/s - 1.09x slower
         camellia256:        0.1 i/s - 1.11x slower
         camellia192:        0.1 i/s - 1.11x slower
                idea:        0.1 i/s - 1.15x slower
                3des:        0.0 i/s - 1.61x slower

Algo         Total Iterations
       idea          2
       3des          2
      cast5          2
   blowfish          2
        aes          2
     aes192          2
     aes256          2
    twofish          2
camellia128          2
camellia192          2
camellia256          2

As we see, 3DES is indeed slower that Rijndael.

(The plot is written in Grap. It doesn't really matter but I wanted to show off that I was tinkering w/ a Bell Labs language from 1984 that nobody is using anymore.)

In the repo above there is the result for 3G blob (w/ compression turned on), where Ruby garbage collector has run amok.

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Authors: ag