Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Larry McVoy quotes

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Git & the lack of competition:

"I'd be 100% OK with BitKeeper not winning if Git was at parity or better than BitKeeper, but that's not the case. It's trivial to do a BK to Git exporter, it's really hard to do the other direction, Git records far less information.

It's pretty much what I predicted back in the early 2000's. If you don't leave space for commercial companies to make money and pay people to try and reach for the better answer, you're gonna get mediocre answers. And here we are."

Sun & GPL:

"the GPL was hated inside of Sun, it was considered a virus. The idea that you used a tiny bit of GPLed code and then everything else is GPLed was viewed as highway robbery."

Tags: quote, ойті
Authors: ag