Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

What kinds of things make an API good or bad?

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A great answer from Domenic Denicola:

'It's an interesting question!

Some of the things that make APIs "bad" are that they require verbose, awkward code to do simple things. This happens for various reasons.

In IndexedDB's case, part of it is because the API was created before promises were standardized, so doing any async operation requires a lot of tedious boilerplate. Another problem with IndexedDB is it assumes you need all the complexity and power of a full database engine, so for example you have to understand transactions and upgrading between multiple database versions before you can simply write something to disk and read it back.

Classic DOM APIs are often bad because of simple verbosity and awkwardness, especially compared to something like jQuery which showed us a better way. Although it's getting a little better now, with methods like before(), after(), replaceWith(), and remove(), before you had to do annoying things like el.parentNode.removeChild(el) to remove an element. And all the names are just absurdly long, like el.addEventListener instead of jQuery's $(el).on.

Another problem is that sometimes "weird objects" show up in web platform APIs, like "fake arrays" that are missing common methods like map, filter, etc.

Yet another problem is people not designing APIs for idiomatic JavaScript, e.g. making them super object-oriented because they have a Java background. My favorite example of this is the FileReader API, which involves constructing this FileReader object and configuring its options in order to read something out of a Blob object. That whole setup could have been replaced with a simple set of methods like a promise-returning blob.asText(). We might still try to do that; then people won't have to use FileReader any more.

I feel that we're doing generally better these days, with APIs like service worker, fetch(), and the cache API being IMO fairly well-designed. It's a game of constant vigilance though. A large part of my job is trying to oversee new platform APIs and make sure they're good, not bad :).'

(via reddit)

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Authors: ag