Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

How to prevent Wine from auto-running .exe files in Fedora

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After installing Wine on Fedora 25 I've noticed that I can run Window executables straight from the bash command line:

$ file -b ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows
$ !$

That iexplore.exe file is clearly not a ELF, yet the kernel successfully executes it.

Since the Windows ecosystem is known for its lack of malware & ransomware, and Wine, in turn, is known for a military-grade, bulletproof sandbox (i.e., it provides no protection whatsoever), I find the notion of auto-running very difficult to reconcile with common sense.

How does it work

If a kernel was compiled w/ CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC option, execve(2) (I'm simplifying here a little) obtains an ability to delegate the execution of unknown binaries to external processes. The subsystem that manages the format → interpreter association table is called binfmt_misc.

binfmt_misc maintains its ephemeral database in the procfs. At the boot time you mount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc directory & feed /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register file w/ specially crafted text lines to create association entries (or rules as systemd docs like to call them).

E.g., in the good old days before systemd, we would have put

echo :win:M:0:MZ::/usr/bin/wine: > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

somewhere in /etc/rc.local.

Such a command creates /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/win file:

interpreter /usr/bin/wine
offset 0
magic 4d5a

where the offset & the magic 4d5a (MZ) means the 1st 2 bytes of a typical Windows executable:

$ hexdump -C -n10 iexplore.exe
00000000  4d 5a 40 00 01 00 00 00  06 00                    |MZ@.......|

We can be even more fancier & make an extension → interpreter association, e.g.:

# echo :xv:E::gif::/usr/bin/xv: > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
$ chmod +x slave-ship-daily-schedules.gif
$ ./!$

creates .gif → xv entry, & starts /usr/bin/xv slave-ship-daily-schedules.gif under the hood when we try to "run" the .gif image.

To delete all the entries, we write -1 to /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status file or if we want to delete only a particular entry:

# echo -1 > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/xv

The systemd way

systemd doesn't allow us to mingle w/ binfmt_misc subsystem directly. We ought to write the text lines in the same format binfmt_misc undestands but put them in special .conf files, where a separate program systemd-binfmt expects to find them.

If we provide an rpm for our app, we should put my-app.conf file in /usr/lib/binfmt.d/ directory during the installation & run

/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-binfmt my-app.conf

in the post-install hook.

The algo systemd-binfmt uses is fairly straightforward. When run w/o any command line args, it deletes all the existing entries & recreates the ones specified in the .conf files. If provided w/ the name of the .conf file (w/o a directory prefix!), it scans the file to add new entries.

An excerpt from src/binfmt/binfmt.c (commit 1539a65):

if (argc > optind) {
  int i;

  for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
    k = apply_file(argv[i], false);
    if (k < 0 && r == 0)
      r = k;
} else {
  _cleanup_strv_free_ char **files = NULL;
  char **f;

  r = conf_files_list_nulstr(&files, ".conf", NULL, conf_file_dirs);
  if (r < 0) {
    log_error_errno(r, "Failed to enumerate binfmt.d files: %m");
    goto finish;

  /* Flush out all rules */
  write_string_file("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status", "-1", 0);

  STRV_FOREACH(f, files) {
    k = apply_file(*f, true);
    if (k < 0 && r == 0)
      r = k;

It sounds fine, until we remember that a typical user (a) doesn't know much about binfmt-misc kernel module, (b) doesn't know anything about the standalone systemd-binfmt program, for he uses systemd-binfmt.service unit, as in

# systemctl restart systemd-binfmt

That unit (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service) incorporates a handful of preconditions. The relevant ones:


When we install Wine, it makes 2 entries in the systemd-binfmt DB. If we (a) remove the offending package wine-systemd that contains the evil /usr/lib/binfmt.d/wine.conf file & (b) dutifully restart systemd-binfmt service--no binfmt-misc association entries gets removed!

# rpm -qf /lib/binfmt.d/wine.conf
# rpm --nodeps -e wine-systemd
# systemctl restart systemd-binfmt
# ls -l /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/
total 0K
--w------- 1 root root 0 Mar 24 20:49 register
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 25 20:48 status
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 25 20:58 windows
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 25 20:58 windowsPE

because systemd will forbid systemd-binfmt to run at all, because all the conf directories are empty. The remedy is to run systemd-binfmt by hand:

# /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-binfmt
# ls -l /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/
total 0K
--w------- 1 root root 0 Mar 24 20:49 register
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 25 20:48 status

You should not manually delete the rpm w/ the evil .conf file for dnf will reinstall wine-systemd package during the next Wine update. The recommended systemd-style solution is to create a symlink in /etc/binfmt.d/ to /dev/null named wine.conf & then restart systemd-binfmt service:

# ln -s /dev/null /etc/binfmt.d/wine.conf
# systemctl restart systemd-binfmt

Tags: ойті
Authors: ag