Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Mac users disproportionately pay

Latest update:

"Shout out to the six people who have tried to copy a share key from
one DAS page and use it to access another for free. I thought of that.

Those six people: 2x Mac, 3x Windows, 1x Linux. So 33% Mac. 41% of DAS
desktop hits come from Macs, but 74% of paying customers use Macs.

Which means: Mac users disproportionately pay, and it seems that
non-Mac users disproportionately try to "steal" (we have no better

9 Jun 2017

That "1x Linux" was me, HAHAHA.

I literally have an urge to do such king of checks "did the author think of that" purely for the sake of it. Had he failed to do the job properly, I would have dropped him an email.

I'm not a subscriber, btw.

Tags: ойті
Authors: ag