Cupertino effect & Queen of the UK
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'Some older spellcheckers had wordlists containing co-operation but not cooperation without the hyphen. So when a user typed in unhyphenated cooperation, the spellchecker would flag it as an error. The first suggestion thrown up was not co-operation, however, but Cupertino, the name of a city in northern California. [...]
Sure enough, there are dozens of Cupertinos to be found in online documents from the UN, EU, NATO, and other international organizations. "The Cupertino with our Italian comrades proved to be very fruitful," a German NATO officer was quoted as saying. Meanwhile, the EU's Scientific and Technical Research Committee proposed "stimulating cross-border Cupertino."'
A search&replace gaffe from Reuters: apparently they had a rule of avoiding mentioning "the Queen" (of the UK of GB & NI), preferring her full name "Queen Elizabeth."
'Secrets of the honey bee revealed in genome code
Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:07pm ETLONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have unraveled the genetic code of the honey bee, uncovering clues about its complex social behavior [...]
With its highly evolved social structure of tens of thousands of worker bees commanded by Queen Elizabeth, the honey bee genome could also improve the search for genes linked to social behavior. [...]
Queen Elizabeth has 10 times the lifespan of workers and lays up to 2,000 eggs a day. Despite having tiny brains, honey bees display honed cognitive abilities and learn to associate a flower's color, shape and scent with food, which increases its foraging ability.'
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Authors: ag