Twitter stats using gnuplot, json & make
Latest update:
Twitter allows users to download a subset of their activities as a zip
archive. Unfortunately, there are no useful visualizations available for the
provided data, except for a simple list of tweets with date filtering.
For example, what I expected to find but there were no signs of it:
- a graph of activities over time;
- a list of:
i. the most popular tweets;
ii. users, to whow I reply the most.
Inside the archive there is data/tweet.js
file that contains an
array (assigned to a global variable) of "tweet" objects:
window.YTD.tweet.part0 = [ {
"tweet" : {
"retweeted" : false,
"source" : "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web Client</a>",
"favorite_count" : "2",
"id" : "12345",
"created_at" : "Sat Jun 23 16:52:42 +0000 2012",
"full_text" : "hello",
"lang" : "en",
}, ...]
The array is already json-formatted, hence it's trivial to
convert it to a proper json for filtering with json(1) tool.
Say we want a list of top 5 languages in thich tweets were
written. A small makefile:
$ cat
lang: tweets.json
json -a tweet.lang < $< | $(aggregate) | $(sort)
tweets.json: $(i)
unzip -qc $< data/tweet.js | sed 1d | cat <(echo [{) - > $@
aggregate = awk '{r[$$0] += 1} END {for (k in r) print k, r[k]}'
sort = sort -k2 -n | column -t
SHELL := bash -o pipefail
yields to:
$ make -f | tail -5
cs 16
und 286
ru 333
en 460
uk 1075
is the archive that Twitter permits us to download.)
To draw activity bars, the same technique is applied: we extract a
date from each tweet object & aggregate results by a day:
2020-12-31 5
2021-01-03 10
2021-01-04 5
This can be fed to gnuplot:
$ make -f activity.svg
This makefile has an embedded gnuplot script:
$ cat
%.svg: dates.txt
cat <(echo "$$plotscript") $< | gnuplot - > $@
dates.txt: tweets.json
json -e 'd = new Date(this.tweet.created_at); p = s => ("0"+s).slice(-2); = [d.getFullYear(), p(d.getMonth()+1), p(d.getDate())].join`-`' -a < $< | $(aggregate) > $@
export define plotscript =
set term svg background "white"
set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x "%Y-%m"
set xtics rotate by 60 right
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 1
plot "-" using 1:2 with boxes title ""
To list users, to whom one replies the most, is quite simple:
$ cat
users: tweets.json
json -e 'this.users = v => v.screen_name).join`\n`' -a users < $< | $(aggregate) | $(sort)
I'm not much of a tweeter:
$ make -f | tail -5
<redacted> 41
<redacted> 49
<redacted> 60
<redacted> 210
<redacted> 656
Printing the most popular tweets is more cumbersome. We need to:
- calculate the rating of each tweet (by a such a complex foumula as
favorite_count + retweet_count);
- sort all the tweet objects;
- slice N tweet objects.
A Make recipe for it is a little too long to show here, but you can
grab a makefile that contains the recipe + all the recipes shown
Tags: ойті
Authors: ag