Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Kindle & epub

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I had been happily reading Matt Levine's column via email, until the emails stopped coming. I tried to resubscribe, but to no avail.1

Thence I looked into the corresponding Bloomberg RSS feed to discover that its XML didn't contain any article text, only links to their website. It forced me to write a scraper that generated .mobi files using ebook-convert utility from Calibre like so:

$ ebook-convert 1.xhtml --level1-toc //h:h2
$ echo hello | mailx -a --

That file successfully arrived to my Kindle, but afterwards I got this:

From: Amazon Kindle Support <>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 18:41:47 +0000
Subject: An update about sending MOBI documents to your library

... We noticed that the following document(s), sent by you at
06:41 PM on Thu, Sep 15, 2022 GMT are in MOBI (.mobi, .azw) formats:

We wanted to let you know that starting August 2022, you'll no longer
be able to send MOBI (.mobi, .azw) files to your Kindle library.

(So-called Eternal August. The rest of the email was 'better send an epub next time'.)

With the command above, Calibre creates 'classic' .mobi files; .azw is virtually the same thing.

In the past, Amazon freely distributed Kindlegen program. Using its most recent version (2.9, hasn't been updated since 2014) you can produce a different mobi variant.2 Typing

$ kindlegen foo.html -o

will make a hamburger that contains 3 layers inside:

1. a classic .mobi
2. Amazon's proprietary KF8 (a format similar to epub3)
3. the original html (the purpose is unclear)

If you do pip install --user mobi, you can easily unpack kindlegen-made .mobi hamburgers as:

$ mobiunpack

then foo/mobi7 directory will be filled with the classics, foo/mobi8 with KF8.

I attempted to sent such a bona file .mobi, but got the same achtung email from Amazon.

A couple of years ago, Amazon deprecated Kindlegen in lieu of a fancy Kindle Previewer application (no Linux version this time). Gone was the simple CLI utility, an updated monstrosity required you to manually drop your source files onto its window, jubilantly stare at the result, click FileExport.

I diligently did that yesterday, expecting to find 'epub' option in the export window, but there was none. I also tried in vain to use a no less fancy Kindle Create suite, but it didn't allow me to import html files, offering .docx, which was pretty useless.

I compared that .moby from Kindle Previewer with the .moby from the abandoned Kindlegen-2.9 & found only minor differences at the level of dc:identifier in .opf files, i.e. no practical differences whatsoever. It was the same 'hamburger' mobi! Looking in the directory with the Kindle Previewer installation I stumbled upon kindlegen.exe executable, version 2.9 (yes), only instead of 2014 the copyright year was changed to 2015.

I understand they wrote a GUI wrapper on steroids, but forgot about the underline converter. Maybe a guy who wrote the latter is no longer works for Amazon, & the code is hairy.

Fine. So I concocted a hand-made epub generator--merely to see what happens when I send an .epub to the Kindle cloud. (Before sending it off, I made sure epubcheck utility gave me no errors.)

This time I got no warning emails, & something successfully made it to Kindle. I connected the device via a cable to my Fedora machine to extract the arrived file.

It wasn't an epub file, no, Kindles don't understand that (too sophisticated data). It wasn't a classic mobi either, for it would've been rather strange to downgrade modern html to such a limited format. It was the file with .azw3 extension that contained only 1 layer: Amazon KF8.

Once again, after comparing this .azw3 with the KF8 layer from the forsaken Kindlegen-2.9, I found only tiny differences in the irrelevant metadata, hence I suspect the code from Kindlegen continues to live on, but we are not allowed to use it locally.

You may say "what do you care, just send a single .html to" 3, but what one should do in case he has a collection of cross-linked html files (also called a book sometimes)? Make an epub? With what? Kindle Previewer spits a mere .mobi, that, according to the chilling emails, was not going to be supported since the previous month. Yes, I know about Calibre (practically, the only viable option) & pandoc, thank you very much. I'm talking about the official Amazon way.

2022-10-01 upd: A week ago Amazon started to discourage sending .mobi files in a different fashion: although it still accepts a plain old mobi & converts it to an .azw, but in the process it replaces its title with the source file name & its author with 'Unknown'.

2022-10-30 upd: They fixed the issue with 'author' ('title' is still broken).

  1. Still no idea what has been the issue.
  2. You can make an orthodox mobi with kindlegen -gen_ff_mobi7 …, but Calibre reformats input better.
  3. Or maybe they don't use Kindglegen, for the results of sending html directly are quite poor: ⓐ .xhtml attachments are rejected; ⓑ anticipated metadata for title/author is absent (a file name for a title (very useful), "unknown" for an author; I guess to parse <meta name="author" content="…" /> is to ask too much); ⓒ a mangled encoding (utf8 → cp1252?), in spite of having <meta charset="utf-8" /> in the file; ⓓ no TOC of any kind, but that is expected.

Tags: ойті
Authors: ag