Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Being a little thin skinned

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From Steve Naroff's interview by CHM about his days in NeXT:

I was disappointed that when Steve [Jobs] demoed the Lotus software, which depended on Objective-C++ … he didn't give my team credit because we did it in our spare time … I told him in an email that I was unhappy with that. I won't read you my email because it's not that exciting. But his says,

"I think you are being a little thin skinned here. The reason you, we, are doing C++ is to ensure the success of our computer and therefore the success of the main mission of your group, Objective-C. Going to the restroom also helps the success of your group, but we don't recognize you for that either. I think that you, as the group leader, need to keep the vision of Objective-C alive within your group and NeXT and treat C++ as a necessary task to ensure that our main vision thrives."

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Authors: ag