Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

fusermount3 & Dolphin

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I tried to run KDE Dolphin outside of a running KDE Plasma instance (i.e., from fvwm3) & found I'm unable to copy files with it.

The file of folder Message recipient disconnected from message bus
without replying does not exist

This is so linux (apart form an error message, where a d-bus reply is injected in the place of a file name): you install a file manager that does all the fancy stuff: thumbnails rendering, usb device mounting, running an associated program when you hit Return on a file name, but no file management. Why would anyone want to copy a file using a file manager? Are you 5 years old? Use rsync, dummkopf.

Googling helped very little. There is a bug report, where a guy with Gentoo (good grief) had a similar issue that he resolved via installing the fuse kernel module. This didn't apply to me, for Fedora 38 already comes with a working fuse support, but when I run "journalctl -b -f --user" I saw

Jul 16 18:49:39 a520 org.freedesktop.portal.Documents[10175]: fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /run/user/1000/doc: Permission denied
Jul 16 18:49:39 a520 org.freedesktop.portal.Documents[10168]: error: fuse init failed: Can't mount path /run/user/1000/doc

when Dolphin was trying to move a file.

This time I was dumbstruck, until I checked the value of DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS env var. I was launching fvwm3 from ~/.xinitrc like so, which is apparently wrong?

exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session fvwm3

I changed it to

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/$UID/bus

& boom! Voilà! Suddenly, I had no errors during the xdg-document-portal.service activation.

For posterity, this is a list of the relevant installed packages I need to run Dolphin successfully:

$ rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name}\n' 'xdg|gvfs*' | sort

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Authors: ag