Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Adventures of a Samsung SSD

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An el cheapo 870 EVO suddenly started producing IO errors. I connected it to a w11 machine with Samsung Magician installed1 & did a diagnostic scan. The drive appeared to have plenty of bad LBAs, & the SMART tests were also failing. Great.

I managed to clone the drive using ddrescue, with 99.8% successful reads. Time for a chat with the Samsung warranty bots?

I decided I needed to erase all the data from the SSD before sending it to Samsung, and luckily their Samsung Magician has a "Secure Erase" feature.

It asked for a USB drive to create a tiny bootable partition (30GB of a 128GB pen drive). I rebooted into what seemed like a custom-made Linux distro that had nothing but busybox, the semagician2 executable, and a couple of binary blobs.

semagician it's a C++ program (that I extracted from the initrd) with the UI made in a style "a 12-year-old writes his hello world". I wonder, why did they write it in C++? A shell script that invokes dialog(1) & a tiny (let it be in C++, fine) program that does the actual erasing would be a more straightforward solution, but what is the point of doing things Unix-way if you're using Linux.

Anyway, the hilarious part came after the disk selection:

ERROR (24)

The selected device is in a Frozen state.
To continue with Secure Erase, please follow the direction below.


1. Open computer casing.
2. Disconnect the SATA power cables from the SSD.
3. Re-attach the SSD after a few seconds.

Press any key to continue...

I dutifully followed the instructions. It took <1 sec for semagician to perform the erasing. Apparently, even the cheapest SSDs are that fast these days! (No.)

After rebooting into Windows, I run the diagnostic scan again & it showed a perfect drive with no bad blocks. I suspect that's what happens when you mail your ssd to Samsung. Some tired guy runs semagician & "Here, it's all fixed now, enjoy." Even better, they should not return the exact ssd, but a similar one (from a different customer) that was "repaired" in the same way--to show that they graciously have given a new device.

  1. If you run this glorious piece of software under a non-administrator account, it won't display an error, but will inform you that any useful features, like a diagnostic scan, are not supported for your drive.
  2. 0 Google hits. The ELF's timestamp is Dec 23, 2021; for more, see a new vitustotal entry.

Tags: ойті
Authors: ag