Alexander Gromnitsky's Blog

Visualising curl downloads

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If downloading from a server is slow, how would you prove to a devops guy that you're experiencing a slowdown? There are a couple of possibilities, the worst of which would be sending a video. What if you send a speed graph using data from curl?

Every second curl prints to stderr the following:

        "%-3s " /* percent downloaded */
        "%-3s " /* percent uploaded */
        "%s " /* Dled */
        "%s " /* Uled */
        "%5" CURL_FORMAT_CURL_OFF_T " " /* Xfers */
        "%5" CURL_FORMAT_CURL_OFF_T " " /* Live */
        " %s "  /* Total time */
        "%s "  /* Current time */
        "%s "  /* Time left */
        "%s "  /* Speed */
        "%5s" /* final newline */,

Therefore, by replacing \r with \n we can send a download log:

$ curl -o 2>&1 | tr \\r \\n

To draw a graph with gnuplot, we can use Current time and Speed columns. Gnuplot understands time as input data, but I don't know how to persuade it to interpret values like 100k or 200M, thus we need to convert them into 'bytes'. This is a cute little problem for code golf, but amusingly, it was already solved in coreutils > 12 years ago via numfmt(1).

$ echo 1M and 10M | numfmt --from iec --field 3
1M and 10485760

(macOS & FreeBSD both have coreutils package, where the utility executable is prefixed with 'g'.)

#!/usr/bin/env -S stdbuf -o0 bash

set -e -o pipefail
numfmt=`type -p gnumfmt numfmt;:`; test "${numfmt:?}"

cat <<E
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xlabel "Time, MM:SS or HH:MM:SS"
set format y "%.0s%cB"
set ylabel "Speed, Unit/second" offset -1,0
set grid
plot "-" using 1:2 with lines title ""

curl "$@" -fL -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tr \\r \\n | awk '
/[0-9.][kMGTP]?$/ {
  time = index($10, ":") == 0 ? $11 : $10
  if (time != "--:--:--") print time, $NF
}' | tr k K | $numfmt --from iec --field 2


$ ./curlbench | gnuplot -p

Tags: ойті
Authors: ag